10 Outrageously Beautiful Photos of Albania's Landscape by Explorer Granit Temaj - Into Albania

10 Outrageously Beautiful Photos of Albania’s Landscape by Explorer Granit Temaj

With an epic eye for both grand panoramas and details, Temaj does the impossible as he captures Albania’s overwhelmingly beautiful landscape while swimming in its seas and climbing its highest peaks.

Although a small country, Albania lists an astounding number of spectacular sites. Because of its highly varied geographic relief, you need only drive a few minutes to go from one natural wonder to the next. The spectacular outdoors nicely couples with the country’s cultural heritage, making a visit to Albania feel truly singular.

Pristine landscapes of blooming fields and bucolic pastures. From rugged snow-covered peaks to azure seas, sparkling under the sizzling sun. An ever-changing beauty and a myriad awe-inspiring locations. It seems as though it is all difficult to capture. Yet, this where travellers and explorers like Granit Temaj save the day. The fearless and talented traveler and photographer captures both the country’s beauty and his own personal experiencing of it.

For over 5 years now, Granit Temaj has managed to capture many stunning images of the country with his camera, from the sublime alpine heights to the bountiful beauty of the Albanian Riviera. In recent years, he has planned his schedule in accordance to the places on his visiting list, a move that indicates that his former hobby has now become a way of life. Waking up outdoors, evenings spent near a camp fire, long hikes, are experiences that team enjoys immensely, something which becomes evident in his photography.

Granit shares his passion and knowledge in his blog Alpventurer, which aims at promoting outdoor destinations, fit for adventures and exploring. Here, Granit presents several of his most striking images for IntoAlbania.

1. Bovilla Lake (Tirana)

2. Marble Pools of Ndërlysa (Theth)

3. Cape of Rodon (Durrës)

4. Albanian Alps, Shkëlzeni Peak (Tropoja)

5. Kalabaku Peak (Kukës)

6. Pashtriku Peak (Has)

7. Grama Bay

8. Shala River

9. Rosi Peak (Tropoja)

10. Blue Eye (Theth)

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